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Theater in Education

Y-PEER? It sounds familiar and interesting… But what is it?

Under the Y-PEER program established in 2008 and supported by UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) Lebanon, several activities and interventions have been developed and implemented by the Y-PEER network aiming at raising awareness of young people on HIV/AIDS, developing capacities of young people and NGOs in peer to peer education, conducting advocacy events for promoting healthy and responsible behaviors among young people, developing and using interactive and creative approaches as well as visibility tools to be used in the various activities. With the aim of expanding the network to the school sector, TBPE (Theater Based Peer Education) will be introduced in 3 schools on a pilot basis tapping on the expertise of VAPA (Visual and Performing Arts Association).

The theatre director and co-founder of VAPA, Lucien Bourjeily was approached by UNFPA to attend a master TBPE TOT in Alexandria, Egypt between the 5th and the 11th of April along with two actors from his theatrical troop where they were all exposed to all the different elements of the TBPE approach. Mr. Bourjeily got further exposure to the TBPE approach in New York where his capacities in facilitation were developed during the month of June while conducting a study tour with Nite Star, a global Y-PEER organization partner. UNFPA approached VAPA after a thorough assessment to select a theatrical institution to lead an initiative in TBPE in schools as part of its Y-PEER project.  This initiative focuses on using theater techniques to raise awareness on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) topics including HIV/AIDS. These techniques are based on an interactive approach where the audience becomes an active participant in the scenes and their content.

Here are some photos of the 4 day TBPE Training of Trainers we gave in Kfardebian!

For more information on Y-PEER and the UNFPA, check out these links: